


Probably, to most people, the place name Hüüru says nothing, but nonetheless the place has a long and distinguished history. Hüüru village – HIURENKYLAE – was mentioned for the first time by Denmark in its Estonian evaluation book in the year 1241. In those days, Hüüru belonged to the Harku fief and to the Danes, until the Danes were forced to abandon the troublesome region and sell them to the Order after the ST. George`s Night Uprising.

If to mention the St. George`s Night Uprising, it reminds many of Estonias the book „Tasuja“, which plot, if to believe the old folks around here, takes place in the nearby regions.

Somewhere here (when to go towards Harku), there are supposed to be the ruins of the legendary castle and cellar of Lodijärve, where Tambet was apprehended, and even the iron ring to which he was riveted to.

From the end of the 14th century, after the lands have been sold to the Order, Harku becomes a subordinate Order`s manor to the Tallinn`s Grand Ecclesiastical Commander, and from the 16th century becomes private property. Also, in the 16th century Hüüru manor seprates from Harku and is built next to Hüüru water mill. Hüüru manor would have not existed without Hüüru water mill. The water mill has been here since  1540 or 1550. So, one could say, the Hüüru water mill is the heart and centre of this place around which rest of the life has gathered.

The one who has a field and grows crops needs it ground. When did Estonians learn to do it using a water wheel is unknown, but according to Estonian water mill researcher Anto Juske this trade was picked up from wikings.

Now, Hüüru water mill has sprung to new life. We hope, the water mill becomes the heart of the place once again. A place, where history is connected to our modern times.

We hope, Hüüru, where people usually speed through, gets marked on all the maps as a place where people can spend time in a naturally beautiful and historic place.